Ferulac Peel is a new generation exfoliating peel based on nanotechnology. The active ingredients carried by high-quality liposomes easily cross the epidermal barrier and act deep inside the skin.
A state of the art series of products recommended for skins with visible signs of photo aging, melasma and discoloration of hormonal, post-inflammatory and sun-related origin. Ferulic acid has anti-aging and brightening properties and is an excellent antioxidant. Thanks to it, an effect of rejuvenation by moisturizing, smoothing and improving the skin density is achieved. The florin contained in the preparation inhibits the activity of elastase, the enzyme responsible for the destruction of elastic fibers. Retinol prevents new wrinkles and reduces the depth of the existing ones.
The Ferulac Peel is a completely safe and year-round treatment, which is its additional advantage.
Depending on the condition of the skin and the desired effect, this treatment should be repeated approximately every 14 days from 3 to 5 times.
For a few days after the treatment, slight peeling of the skin can be visible, but this treatment does not preclude normal activity.