The ONDA system is a revolutionary medical device used to reduce local fat and cellulite, and to improve skin firmness (excluding the face, neck and extremities).
The principle of the ONDA technology is based on the use of a high frequency electromagnetic current (CoolwavesTM). Thanks to the use of two heads: one for shallow and one for deep action, emitting energy of a microwave frequency of 2.45GHz, ONDA precisely reaches the subcutaneous adipose tissue. Both heads are equipped with a cooling system. As much as 80% of the emitted CoolwavesTM waves go straight to the adipocytes (fat cells), which means that the epidermis is not affected by their action. This avoids undesirable heating of the outer layer of the dermis, so the treatment is safe and comfortable. The use of the shallow-acting head enables an effective fight against cellulite at every stage of its development. The ONDA system also has an excellent firming effect. Thanks to the emitted microwaves, it causes collagen fibers contraction, stimulating new collagen production and visibly rejuvenating the skin.
In order to achieve the full effect of the therapy, performing 4 treatments at intervals of two to four weeks is recommended. The first effects are visible already 2-3 weeks after the first treatment.
After the treatment with the ONDA device, a significant reduction in adipose tissue, cellulite reduction, reduction of "love handles" and firming sagging skin are observed.
The treatment is completely comfortable and safe. It does not require a convalescence period.